Friday, December 14, 2012

James Bagby's Seed Story

I believe, in this team-based project, James has learned how to cooperate with his teammates.  He was surprised at first to find that he actually had to contribute towards the project.  He was even more surprised from the outcome of the story of the seed germination lab.  It was an incredible experience.  James is sure to look forward to what this course has in store for him next semester.

-Henry Tran

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ryann's Seed Story

   Ryann learned to take the role of a leader when her leader was not up to the task. She said she watched as Emily tried her best but still could not prevail and stepped up to the plate to help her teammate out. She was surprised at how a friendship formed from a bond of being a girl sparked between her and Emily.  Ryann laughed everyday at anything and everything. She found a light side to every part of the project and managed to frustrate and amuse her fellow partners. She was grossed out by the way the two boys of her team wanted her and Emily to do most of the work. She managed to whip them into shape though. Ryann stopped for a while and had a take two when Emily snapped at her unexpectedly about taking over her leadership. Emily apologized but slowly made a bigger effort to be more of a leader. This made Ryann happy because she wanted her new friend to become less of a follower. Ryann can not wait for next semester and the rest of her friendship.

Emily's seed story

   Emily Solano says that she probably learned more about leadership throughout the project than she has in any other projects as a leader. She told me that she was surprised when she was picked to be the leader of the group rather than someone else in the group. She laughed when we dropped the pots with the soil and sand with them. Also, she laughed with her new friends (project partners) said some random and funny things. She was grossed out when the boys got off topic sometimes and when she accidentally crushed a bug with her hand when she was scooping up the compost for our project. What made her do a double take was when the the seed in the sand started to grow faster than the others in the compost and the compost/sand mix. She is really looking forward to being with her story of a seed group next semester.

Friday, December 7, 2012

How does your garden grow?

1.Plants grow to become stronger and bigger by a process called mitosis. Mitosis is the process in which calls divide and grow. This process makes it possible for plants to grow bigger. Photosynthesis provides energy to the cell to preform mitosis.

2.My plants would go through a process of replicating DNA to make a replicated strand of RNA. This RNA Would help the cell be Producing the proteins that the nucleus asked for.

How Does Your Garden Grow?

1.  My plants are growing up to be big strong sturdy plants by their cells going through the process of mitosis. When their cells divide and make more cells making it possible for the plant to branch out and become bigger. The process of photosynthesis is preformed in the cell to provide energy so they may go through the process of mitosis to grow.
2.  My plants would go through the process of copying one strand of the DNA to make a complementary strand for RNA. The RNA would then produce the proteins the nucleus had signaled for. The RNA would replace T with U in the base pairing rules. The strand would then be read to make sure the proper proteins are produced.