James Bagby
Period 4
Treatment of the Meat
Currently, over half the food we buy from grocery stores, fast food restaurants, and convenient stores is processed by factories and other corporate heavyweights to make the products Americans consume addictive and cheap, so we’ll buy more and more. What we don’t know is how our food is treated while alive. The caliber of how they are treated is very low and is in need of reform. Animals should have the right to a certain quality of life because they could cause diseases among the public, we should have better quality food, and animals deserve to be treated as animals not products.
In the documentary Food Inc. people saw how unsanitary the American meat industry is. Animals wallow in their own dung until they are slaughtered in order to make meat for companies like Tyson and others. If one animal gets infected with a disease, all the animals around them get this disease. The meat industry has changed into inhumane conditions for all their animals. The industry has changed their view of animals as simply profit nothing else.
In The U.S., childhood obesity and related diseases are at an all time high. Low income families can’t always afford the nutrition their children deserve and need. So often times, they go to the fast food places because of the cheaper prices. The long term effect of these choices are obesity, diabetes, heart problems, etc. We should all deserve to have higher quality foods so our children will grow up healthy and our adults can lead healthy life styles.
While we must get better conditions for the animals we eat and higher food quality, others might disagree. These people say that most products are bathed in ammonia before further processing. This may be true but, Ammonia is a harmful chemical primarily used for cleaning a household. And animals are not just products, they are living organisms, and deserved to be treated as more than profits. The conditions they currently follow are on the verge of insanity.
Are the only reasons for chickens’ and cows’ existence to be slaughtered? Of course they aren’t; they’re purpose is to produce and provide for the world. If our roles were reversed you would probably wanted to be treated as more than just profits. We cannot stand around and let our money go to waste on products that are addicting and have negative side-effects. So we have to give our animals better more humane treatment in order to thrive.
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